Based on the findings of the “Stadtmacherei Salzburg City-App” the “Cykla med Pelle-App” (Cycling with Pelle) was developed and launched as part of the SimpliCITY research project for the citizen of Uppsala in Swedish. This app also aims to promote bicycle mobility, to support sustainability issues and to show users the sights of individual city districts by solving different tasks and challenges in a fun way.
Welcome page
Here you choose which part of the “Cycling with Pelle” app you want to explore.
Choose a district
On this page, the user selects a district that he would like to explore by bike.
Intro text: “Hi! What a joy that you have jumped on your bike and that you want to exercise your paws. Are you ready to discover Uppsala?
All my cat friends are waiting for you at various places in Sävja, Bergsbrunna, Nantuna and Vitan. Some places you probably know already, but others may be completely new to you. You can learn a lot about mobility and join challenges and treasure hunts.”
Learn about new places
A map guides the user by bicycle directly to selected locations in the surrounding area. Once the location has been found, the user can scan a QR code on a physical sign and receive information about it.
Solve challenges
Once the user has scanned the QR code, he can access different tasks and challenges related to the location. While solving the tasks and different challenges, he collects paws at the same time.